Min förebild



Jag har aldrig gillat Kate men idag kände jag att hon verkligen är så fuuul. Usch. Blä. Orka med henne


Idag och imorgon är det The Hills-maraton. Jag älsakr det programmet och har missat några avsnitt från den senaste säsongen så detta passar mig very good faktiskt :)


JAg är inte så mkt för Idol egentligen, men har haft lite hgalvkoll detta året ändå. Jag såg på finalen igår och den var faktiskt jättebra. Det var nästan så jag önslkade att jag var där. Både Kevin och ALice var hetl klart de bästa och hörde hemma i finalen.

JAg önsakr dem lycka med sina framtida karriärer.


Jag kan totally relate till hur Brooke känner nu. Det gör ont i kroppen och hjärtat när jag tänker på vad hon måste gå egenom.

(Jag vet att det bara är på låtsas men jag känner för henne ändå)

Våra bästa år
Spännande vad som hände rmellan Belle och Shawn nu.. Hoppas de gör slut. Alltså deras förhållande är så konstigt. Kul att Alice dog. Jag hade hoppats på att John skulle göra det också, men det var okej att det var Marlena som ramlade ner istället. JAg tycker bara att hon kunde fått lite fler skador eller något. Jan är cool och helt utflippat rolig.

MAn börjar tröttna nu

DooL 2008-jan-14 @ 11:52

Äntligen avslöjade de Marlena. I och för sig gjorde de det en dag senare än vad jag trodde men själva grejen är att de ÄNTLIGEN har gjort det.

Dool skvaller 2008-jan-08 @ 01:03

Stefano kommer tyillbaka! Sami och Lukas gifter sig!! Belle och Shawn gifter sig!
Den nya Shawn kommer vara heeet, men jag gilla rinte Belle.

Har John varit en präst?? :S

Jag hittade detta, nu blir jag så himla förvirrad att jag ska sluta tjuvkolla utan följa den poå tvn som it was meant to be:
Shawn and Mimi are married, and Rex & Mimi are 'just' friends. Shawn is cheating on her with Belle, and one day Rex & Mimi share a kiss after a fight with Shawn. At first, Mimi thinks it's wrong, but when she thinks about how many times Shawn has hurt her, she gives in to her temptations...
Eventually they get caught by Shawn. At first, he is furious with Rex, and beats him. But then he gives them his 'blessing', since he's always loved Belle.

Dool 2008-jan-08 @ 00:46

OMFG!! Hon kommer döda ALICE!!!!

DooL seriemördarkonversation 2008-jan-08 @ 00:36

Okej så jag kollade lite på youtube nyss.. Jag kan inte fatta atyt hon dödar John! Jag har ju önskat att han skulle dö men det var jättesorgligt och läskig musik till. Hon satt med honom liggandes i hennes knä och hon bara körde kniven in i hans bröst om och om igen.. :/

Marlena fools John that Stefano is behind his accusing her of being the SSK.
M: "John, How could you possibly believe that your wife is a cold blooded killer?"
J: "I saw you"
M: "How do you know that it was me?"
J: "I saw you face when you turned to run from me in the graveyard. You killed Doug."
M: "But you didn't tell the police
J: "I didn't want to say anything until I knew for sure"
M: "And?"
J: "I'm sure. You're the love of my life Marlena, but you're a killer"
M: "John, if you really believe that I'm a serial killer, there's only one thing left to do"
J: "What are you doing?"
M: "I'm calling the police"
J: "Just like that?"
M: "If you believe I'm a killer John you've got to turn me in, have me arrested and sent to jail. Why don't you do it?"
SalemPD: "Salem police department. How may I help you?"
M: "Do it John, go ahead and do it!"
SalemPD: "Salem police department. Is anyone there?"
M: "If you don't, I will"
SalemPD: "Is anyone there? Hello, can you say something? Salem police dept. Anyone there? Hello, hello please say something. I need.."
M: "What is it? Are you having second thoughts or do you still think that I'm a cold blooded murderer."
J: "Are you serious? The last thing in the world I want is to believe that my wife could be a serial killer. I think that's why when Tek hypnotized me I was fighting the truth with my whole body but it was right there Doc and I couldn't ignore it any more. I'd remembered seeing the killer's face just as she turned and disappeared in the woods. It was you Doc, it was you."
M: "You have heard of post hypnotic suggestion. The truth is your that your memory is not as incorruptable as you'd like to think. You have to had been mistaken when you say you thought you saw my face at the graveyard"
J: "Oh come on Doc, what, you think that I don't know the face of the women I love? It was you, I know it for a fact"
M: "But you never told Bo or hope or Tek that I was the killer. Why didn't you do that?
J: No I never said anything to anybody why do you think because I didn't want to believe it was truth"
M: "John you have ever reason to believe that you saw my face at the graveyard"
J: "Why is that?"
M: "You recognize my body, so you saw my face"
J: "So you're admiting it, why?"
M: "What you suspect is true, I am the killer"
M: "I am that dark heartless killer...in your mind"
J: "In my mind? So what is that suppose to mean you're saying now that you're not guilty"
M: "John I don't blame you"
J: "Blame me for what what are you saying?"
M: "You think that I'm the killer and I understand why"
J: "Now don't play games with me you just confessed to the killings"
M: "You're not listening to me. I'm saying that I'm not. I'm not the killer but you believe that I am and I think I know who put that idea into your head"
J: "Shawn"
M: "Shawn? No. Someone who has made so much our lives together a living hell, Stefano Dimera"
J: "Come on Doc what are you saying? What does Dimera have to do with all this?"
M: "I know this is very hard for you to fathom"
J: "Try impossible, I know that lousy bastard did alot of things to us here but to blame these rash of killings on a dead man is absurd"
M: "Just hear me out please"
J: "Fine, go for it"
M: "I'm going to point out the harsh truth which you could never begin to realize yourself."
J: "Try me"
M: "As long as you live, there will always be a small part of you that is controlled by Stefano Dimera"
J: "Yeah. I broke Stefano's control of me a long time ago and you helped"
M: "To a point. You believe that I'm the killer because Stefano taught you that anything or anyone you love will ultimately betray and destroy you"
J: "No, that's not true Doc. You're wrong

Marlena's pyscho babble affecting John.
J: "You really believe that?"
M: "Yes I do"
J: "You think that all those years ago, Stefano implanted his twisted beliefs in my subconscious so....I would see your face on the murderer in the graveyard?"
M: "Yes...It wouldn't be the first time, John, that we've had glimmerings of your past resurface. It's always been your worst nightmare that you couldn't leave them behind and..."
J: "And what?"
M: "Look I haven't told you this before because I didn't want to upset you but...John there have been nights when you have tossed and turned, muttering, terrified by nightmares."
J: "What would I say?"
M: "Mantras, just parts of your indoctrination"
J: "Yeah, such as?"
M: "Such as...what you see isn't real. Such as... there is no such thing as real goodness"
J: "said that in my sleep"
Marlena: "Yes, and.."
J: "And what? Come on.. can't be any worse than what you just told me"
M: "..and relationships are all based on lies and therefore destined to fail to die in the end and you must strike the first to survive.
John, Stefano...Stefano never wanted you happy. He never cared about you. He only wanted you for his perpertual pawn. He hated you, because you were all the things he could never ever be. You were strong and brave and handsome and loved. You had me John. Stefano implanted those things in you long before we ever met. But John think about it, what perfect revenge to have you think that I was a monster that you had to destroy? John, I was your way out. I was freedom from the bondage in which Stefano held you for all those years. So, I was a threat to Mercenary John Black. A threat your subconscious could never ever deal with."
J: "Doc, I don't want to hear anymore, ok?"
M: "John, from the moment you and I met, Stefano's programming was fighting to get to the surface, trying to destroy us. He wanted to control you, he wanted to control me, he wanted us apart..."
J: "Stop it, "Just stop it, stop ok?"
M: "John don't do this. Don't let that part of you take over now. That's a part of you that hates, the part of you that wants to... wants to follow Stefano's orders, that wants to stand alone, cold, aloof, superior and stand alone. John, you have to fight, you've got to fight with all the goodness that I know is inside of you. Don't let Stefano destroy us again. Don't you do it. Tell me you believe me and promise me, promise me, you will not let that bastard win!"

DOOL 2008-jan-08 @ 00:20

Så i helgen läste jag lite i Daysbloggen och det stod att de ska avslöja mördaren den 8/1. Det är fan på tiden :O
Jag tror det är Marlena eller Colin. Jag blev lite förvånad att Tony dog idag... Det var faktiskt helt oväntat, men men..
